Monday, February 22, 2010

Are ponytails an acceptable hairstyle for women in a professional workplace?

yes, but try to jazz it up. there's a professional looking ponytail and then there's the ponytail we have when we're done kickboxing class....know what i mean??

also, be sure that your outfit is reflecting your business dress code and the ponytail should fit in fine. if you have a ponytail with a sweatsuit on, it fits, too. so, it's versatile in that it goes with whatever you're wearing....know waht i mean??

take care.Are ponytails an acceptable hairstyle for women in a professional workplace?
I think some of the ponytail styles are quite sophisticated and just fine for the workplace.Are ponytails an acceptable hairstyle for women in a professional workplace?
As long as it's pulled back neatly and without many adornments, it should be fine. My hair is long so I'm often confined to a bun more times than a pony tail, which also prevents me from unconsciously playing around with my hair as well.

';pigtails'; maybe not so.

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